The Practitioner
Dr Deepa Gopinath
Dr Deepa Gopinath
Dr Deepa Gopinath is a subspecialist urogynaecologist and advanced endoscopic surgeon whose expertise lies in treating complex urogynaecological and general gynaecological problems. Her keen areas of interest include assessment and management of recurrent urinary incontinence and prolapse, native tissue repairs for prolapse and incontinence including laparoscopic and robotic surgery. She has done 5 years of additional training in urogynaecology over UK and Australia.
Dr Deepa Gopinath was born in India and did her MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Calicut university in 2003. She then moved to Manchester, United Kingdom where she obtained her membership of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London in May 2006. She then undertook research at the University of Manchester and was awarded MPhil degree in 2013. Her research won the first prize at the British annual Scientific UroGynaecology meeting at London in 2011.
She then completed the certificate of completion of training in Obstetrics and gynaecology (CCT) and subspecialist training in urogynaecology at the Jessop wing, Sheffield in 2014. She worked at Stockport NHS foundation trust as a consultant and urogynaecology lead for nearly 3 years before moving to Cairns in April 2017. She has presented and published widely.
Since moving to Australia, she was conferred her fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FRANZCOG) by the Royal Australian and New Zealand college of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and elevated to fellowship of RCOG(FRCOG) in Nov 2017. She successfully cleared the Certificate of Urogynaecology exams in 2018 and has completed a 12 months urogynaecology fellowship at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne.
She loves the Sydney lifestyle and the unique mix of population from all social classes and cultural backgrounds. She is the lead urogynaecologist at Nepean Public hospital providing gynaecology and tertiary urogynaecology services and works within a multidisciplinary team passionate about pelvic floor health. Dr Gopinath will see her patients at Complete Health Australia and operates at Campbelltown private Hospital. She also consults at Womens Health Road and operates at Northern Beaches Hospital. She remains research active amongst her other commitments as a dedicated mum of two young girls and a wife. She loves creativity and hand crafts, especially needle work.
Academics & Research
Dr Gopinath has published widely in the field of urogynaecology:
S Radley and D. Gopinath, Electronic personal assessment questionnaire pelvic floor. Textbook of female urology and urogynaecology, Taylor and Francis, London, 4 (2017) 161-17.
Jha, S. and D. Gopinath, Prolapse or incontinence: what affects sexual function the most? International Urogynecology Journal, Int Urogynecol J (2016) 27:607–611.
Gopinath, D. and S. Jha, Multidisciplinary team meetings in urogynaecology. International Urogynecology Journal, 2015. 26(8): p. 1221-1227.
Extrapulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis complicated by vesicovaginal fistula.
Gopinath D, Attarbashi S, Reid F, Seif M. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2013 Nov; 33(8):910-2.
Cochrane review of mechanical devices for pelvic organ prolapse in women: update. C Bugge, L Adams, D Gopinath, F M Reid. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Feb 28;(2):CD004010.
“Why don’t women participate?” A qualitative study on non-participation in surgical randomised controlled trials. D Gopinath, A R B Smith, C Holland, F M Reid. International Urogynecology Journal 11/2012; DOI:10.1007/s00192-012-1967-9.
Periurethral abscess following polyacrylamide hydrogel(Bulkamid injections for stress urinary incontinence. D Gopinath, A R B Smith, F M Reid. Int Urogynecol J. 2012 Nov;23(11):1645-8. doi: 10.1007/s00192-012-1768-1. Epub 2012 Apr 18.
Clinical performance indicators: intolerance for variety? .A Basu, D Gopinath R Howell. International journal of health care quality assurance. Int J Health Care Qual Assur. 2010;23(4):436-49.
Feedback in incident reporting: more needed A Basu, D Gopinath, N Anjum, S Hotchkies. Clinical Governance: An International Journal.(2009):14(1):38-41.
Large paracetamol overdose at 39 weeks gestation and delayed treatment with N Acetylcysteine: a case report. D Gopinath, M Kamran, V R Sabassani. Internet Journal Of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2009,(10)2.
Fibroid uterus in pregnancy and its management- what changed in last 20 years. A review article. D Gopinath, C Panayotidis, K Abdo. Published in European clinics in obstetrics and gynaecology 2006 Sept 2(2):72-76.
Primary Lobular Carcinoma of Vulva: a case report. D Gopinath, S Sasson, I D Nuttall. Published in Gynaecology Surgery 2006 Sept 3(3):220-22
Ectopic decidua suspicious of malignancy in pregnancy-a case report. D Gopinath, C Panayotidis, T S Onon. Published in The Internet Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2005,(5)l.
R Keriakos, D Gopinath, Obstetric anal sphincter injuries, Journal of Acute Disease, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 259-265.
D Gopinath, S Jha, Urological complications following gynaecological surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, Volume 23, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 337-342. Updated in Volume 26, Issue 10, October 2016, Pages 291-296.
D Gopinath, S C. Radley, Complications of polypropylene mesh in prolapse surgery: an update, Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, Volume 23, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 300-306.
International, national and regional presentations
Does polypropylene mesh cause Autoimmune inflammatory syndrome caused by Adjuvants (ASIA)/Schonfeld Syndrome. A Systematic review. IUGA Nashville ; UGSA Gold Coast 2019.
Mesh sacrohysteropexy at laparoscopy work shop. UGSA Gold Coast 2019.
Prolapse or incontinence: What affects sexual function the most. UKCS April 2013; IUGA May 2013, NOEGS June 2013.
Non-participation in surgical RCTs -A qualitative study. Won the prize for the best oral research presentation at the Joint BSUG/RCOG meeting Nov 2011.
'Extrapulmonary lymhphangioleiomyomatosis complicated by vesicovaginal fistula: a case report. North of England Obstetrics and gynaecology society meeting Oct 2011.
Cervical cerclage: Is PDS better than Mersilene? Regional case presentation evening, Wythenshawe education centre, Manchester. 15th April 2010.
Spontaneous bladder rupture presenting as a large labial abscess: a case report. Regional case presentation evening, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester UK.27th May 2008.
Ectopic decidua suspicious of malignancy in pregnancy: a case report in the Astra Zeneca Case Presentation Evening, Nov 2005, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Dexamethasone in HELLP syndrome. National conference of Ob & Gyn, 2002, Bhubhaneshwar, State Conference of Ob & Gyn 2002, Thrissur.
Comparative study of effectiveness of MgSO4 Vs Phenytoin in Eclampsia in National conference of Ob& Gyn, 2001, Ahmedabad.
The Calicut Experience in HELLP syndrome in CME in Ob& Gyn, Sept 2001, Calicut.
MgSO4 Vs Phenytoin in Eclampsia, IMCH experience in CME in Ob& Gyn, April 2001, Calicut.
HELLP syndrome- Management, in Zonal ICOG workshop and CME, 2000, Calicut.
Poster abstracts
Enhanced recovery for elective Caesarean section: Neonatal issues an important cause for delayed discharge. OAA 2014.
Multidisciplinary team meetings in urogynaecology. UKCS 2014, IUGA 2015.
From Decision to Discharge: Quality of care during Bulkamid periurethral injections. Submitted to the Clinical audit and risk management fair at CMFT, April 2012.
Non-participation in surgical RCTs -A qualitative study. Presented at the Research and Innovation conference at Central Manchester hospitals NHS foundation trust. Nov 2011.
Audit on management of Female Urinary Incontinence NICE Guidance CG40. Presented at the Clinical audit and risk management fair at CMFT, April 2010.
What happens next time? Labour choices and outcomes after previous caesarean delivery in district general hospitals: Presented at BMFMS Gateshead, June 2010.
Gestational Diabetes presenting as Diabetic keto acidosis. Presented at BMFMS Gateshead, June 2010.
Peripartum Bladder management; How do we measure up to the guidelines?
Presented at UKCS, Swansea, April 2009 and Regional trainees evening, May 2009
Spontaneous bladder rupture presenting as a large labial abscess- a case report.
SPROGS Dublin, 2009.
Practice and uptake of antenatal pelvic floor exercises in a small district general hospital in the United Kingdom. Presented at IUGA, Italy June 2009.